First mentions on Kolbudy are dated from 1395, when Konrad von Jungingen, the Great Teutonic Master conferred both Kolbudy and Bielkowo on Kolbudy Monastery. Throughout this period, as well as in later years, Kolbudy were only the farmstead of considerably bigger and more wealthy commune – Bielkowo. At the time of conferring the village on Kartuzy there were 45 drags, while Kolbudy had only 5 of them and a water mill. The Kolbudy and Bielkowo inhabitants were to be free of any Teutonic debts. The water mill belonging to Kolbudy was used by the inhabitants of Teutonic villages – Lublewo, Kowale and Żuławka. Those villages were obliged to provide cereal there. It had taken place before the year 1395.

In 1399 the Kartuzy Assembly conferred Kolbudy on Bielkowo. From that moment on they could charge penalties, as well as other duties and were to pay rent to the monastery. In the second half of the XVI century, the monastery in Kartuzy was the owner of Kolbudy grounds. It has also been confirmed that there was only one inn there at that time. It was one of 34 inns on the territory of Kartuzy. In 1670, the settlers paid 3.10 zlotys for cultivating Kolbudy grounds and 13.10 zlotys and some amount of iron for using a smithy.

In 1793, after the second partition of Poland, these grounds were under direct reign of the Prussian government. The monastery of Kartuzy was deprived of goods, including Kolbudy. On 25th March 1784, the tenancy was held on the settlers. In 1799 it was held on the farmers. In 1807 the village was included to the Free City of Danzig.

In 1618 the inn was rented to David Simon, who had built it. The rent amounted 10 zlotys and was divided for 9 years. After that time the inn was to be given with all the rights and principles to the Kartuzy monastery.

Kolbudy is divided into 2 villages: Kolbudy Górne (German: Ober Kahlbude) and Kolbudy Dolne (Unter Kahlbude). According to “ Geographic Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and Other Slavic Countries” approximately in 1880 Kolbudy Górne was in Kartuzy province, 3 miles away from Kartuzy. The location of Kolbudy Górne was in the lowest part of all Kartuzy province. There were 767 morgs in the village, including Podwidlino buildings. 149 catholics, 145 evangelics, 12 farmers and 3 peasants lived there. Kolbudy Górne were separated from Kolbudy Dolne by a bridge on the Radunia river. The first were on the left side of the river, whereas the latter on the right one. There was a catholic and evangelic school in the village.

According to “The Statistics of Kashubian Population” written by S. Ramułt in 1899, Kolbudy with the dependency of Podwidlino had 405 inhabitants, including 168 Kashubian Catholics, 6 Kashubian Evangelics, 16 German Catholics and 215 German Evangelics.

Kolbudy Dolne was the village situated by the Radunia river, belonging to Gdańsk county near the border of Carthusian province. There were 3 smithies and a water mill. The village lay on the rutted track between Kościerzyna and Gdańsk, 2 miles away from Gdańsk. It belonged to the catholic parish in Pręgowo and to the post office in Lublewo. The village is picturesquely situated in a narrow valley surrounded by hills. The Radunia forms here many a meander and waterfall.

In 1903 the owners of the grounds belonging to Kolbudy were Peter Holzrichter, who had a mill and a smithy, G. Monglowski, who also had a smithy and Adolf Lorwein, who was the owner of a brickyard.

In 1912 the owners of these grounds were H. Kuschel and H. Winkel, who had a mill and a brickyard. At that time the post office was in Kolbudy, evangelic parish in Lublewo and catholic parish in Pręgowo.